Lan Su Chinese Garden

Took myself, my backpack, and a little bag of knitting into town on the #44 this morning to meet Jim for our favorite tradition together: tea at the Lan Su Chinese Garden Teahouse. Cold and crisp, just right for holding a small, hot cup while catching up. I can never quite believe so many months fly by between visits. Such an easy and comforting time together.
After, we walked up toward his place with me splitting off to visit a yarn shop, (Pearl Fiber Arts), Peet's coffee, and Powell's. Not necessarily to buy things, but at least to look. Okay, some buying, some looking.
Then, back on the #44. Eric met me at the bus stop to walk the four blocks home together.
But, later, I couldn't find something I knew I had when I boarded the bus. Still can't, but I'll figure it out soon and let you know what it is.
Happy Weekend.

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