
By bananablip

Spring. I’m ready.

Well, what a week that was! This time last week we were at Telford A&E with mum who was rushed in with a suspected stroke. What followed was a traumatic few days in hospital (for us all!) and then a swift discharge for mum on Wednesday. I’ve always had the greatest respect for the NHS but I am in awe of how absolutely incredible the nurses and hospital staff are. My mum has also raised her level of awesomeness in my eyes. It’s been a tough week but I’m so thankful that, despite a few months of fatigue ahead, my mum is ok.

I managed to whizz up to Manchester on Thursday to attend a day of the Youth for Christ conference. Bit weird to just be there for the day but good to catch up with a few colleagues and try to get a feel for what had been happening.

Back to work for real tomorrow, it feels like I might have to remind myself how to do my job (and how to ride my bike!).

Is anybody else ready for spring and eager to get planting?!

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