
By DancingAly


is served at lunchtime... :-/

What an exhausting week it has been....

Trying to stick to a good routine in terms of eating. Eggs at lunchtime has helped. I've been so exhausted it's been unreal! Workouts went out the window since Sunday, I'm hoping to get back on it tomorrow. 

But on the plus side I've had a dance lesson which wasn't bad even though it's been two months since I've had a lesson, and college was pretty good last night. Now to get back into the routine of the weekly homework! 

The only thing of significance to document is a minor altercation with a parent at work today, a classic case of what's been in the media this week, i.e.; teachers being afraid to discipline a child because their parent will come and accost/undermine the teacher. Case in point today. Why don't some people just take responsibility and suck it up? It's not our fault their child doesn't behave well/has hurt or been unkind to another child, so please don't shoot the messenger!  

A sad sign of the times I'm afraid, and one that left me still thinking about it hours after school ended.....

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