Start a collection...STAMPS
Last year, in Mongolia i accompanied my friend to the post office because (unlike me --> more about this tomorrow) she wanted to mail some post cards home. There i found this amazing page of stamps...which i promptly bought and then forgot on a restaurant table right after. A year later i still think about those lost stamps...which is funny, because i rarely remember anything.
So, today's new thing is to start a collection. As a general rule, i hate collections they require both effort and a large about of space on one's cabinets. But it might be fun to have a few stamps from every country i visit; produced by the government, they are an interesting representation of that i like going to the post office and what could take up less space than a few stamps.
Today i went to a nearby Beijing post office and found the best stamps i could. Plus, since i will be going to about 15 new countries this year, this is a hobby that will get a lot of play this year.
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