
'V' is for Voilá! ;-)

Oh my goodness!! Praise the Good Lord!!

Dr Rienie Voges decided today was my 4th and last session if chemo therapy!! I will go on to the 5 year period of taking tablets to 'decrease the estrogen count to prevent it from feeding the cancer cells' or something like that, i will explain it better when I understand it better, I am still too confused and , of course, flat on my back, battling rhe effect of this last chemo treatment!

She explained to Charmaine and I that one of the three kinds of chemo they had to give me, because my Medical Aid refused to pay for the better option, by the way, is highly cardio-toxic!! Which means that it is poison for your heart, and that's the reason my heart is so tired that I can hardly lift my arms and struggle to walk and go downstairs, etc. she also gave me a few new meds to prevent the nausea and to prevent the throbbing headace!!

I truly hope and believe that I will not be sooooo sick this time around!! I NEED to go to school for about 30 minutes tomorrow morning, even if Charmaine has to put me in a wheelchair and the 2 Ronnies have to help me back upstairs at home later? It is the very last assembly, school closes for the year and the principal invited me because they want to say 'thank you' for what I tried to contribute despite my health issues!! This is sooo great, I SO much want to go!!!??

Eusch, i am exhausted now!! Good night, sleep tight!! Thank you all for constant support, all the way!!! LuvUAll!!

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