Ne’er Day stroll... pick up the car from outside my bestie’s house so we could then head to another friends house for Ne’er Day brunch.

We saw the New Year in at Chartershall with the gang there. Friends of so many years now, three generations of friends gathered. It was good fun. Our Buncle was missing, he’s not the biggest Party animal and we needed someone to stay with the auld Weim so he volunteered.

Home about 2 or 3...I think, earlier than last year as the Rooster had his paper round to do at back of 9am. That’s one thing about my time as a least I got Christmas, Boxing Day, Ne’er Day and the 2nd of January as holidays. The Rooster has has Christmas Day.

Anyway, paper round done we headed off for round two with the same gang and Brunch with them all at Laura and David’s. What a fab couple of hours.

Home and MrR and I hit the kitchen to get the Steak Pie (vege-steak) and the Cranachan pulled together. Also a starter of baked mushroom and goats cheese:-)

Rounded the day off listening to MrR’s and my weekly Spotify mixes...they were both excellent and chatting round the dining room table.

Grateful for a nice wee start to 2019.

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