Mono Monday - Celebrations

Even this local ibis was excited (that was possibly because Toto barked at it) about Mono Monday’s Fifth Birthday Celebrations! Happy Birthday MM and big thanks to Paladian for starting it all five years ago, what a great idea and I think it will probably continue on forever!! :o)x

Managed to wake up just before the alarm went off this morning at 6.45am and leap into the shower before I could go back to sleep (where I belonged at that hour!!) ;o)

It was an extreme day, so busy I really didnt stop all day and I imagine it will be the same tomorrow! My feet hurt and my head also, I think I must just go off to bed and try and relax, get some sleep and be ready to do it all again tomorrow! Catch up with you all tomorrow, hopefully!! ;o)xx

Big thanks to Jen (Newcastle Downunder) for hosting MM!! :o)xxx

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