It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Phoenix The Adventurer

My boy is getting better. Hes certainly getting more cuddly at home and has calmed down a little. (Phew). We go on country fields now as the parks around our estates are too busy with (not always well behaved dogs) Phoenix did take a leaf out of another dogs naughty book a week ago so we now avoid that dog and that park until I am more confident with recall when there are other pooches about. When we go on the fields his recall is practically perfect. For a 14 week old puppy I think hes pretty good. His main problem is getting too and back home from the fields where he continues to eat EVERYTHING on the paths including litter and plastic bits and cigarette butts!!! (People who leave this much crap on paths are disgusting!)

Anyway on another note it would be nice if people who follow my mum Lyns and my Dad Sedge could drop into their blip pages (although they are not able to check them yet) and say Hi and leave them well wishes as my Dad has had Major surgery last week and will be in hospital for a few weeks yet. 
They both love blip and photography when they are able to get back to looking I'm sure they would really appreciate some nice words to help him recover.
He has had his pancreas removed and his spleen and his gall bladder and part of the duodenum. He is very poorly right now and really needs a pick me up when he is able to look at a tablet for blip. He cant at the moment as he has so many tubes etc he cant move in bed. Hes hooked up to every machine possible. He was in surgery for 10 hours.  
So please pop by and leave a message, bearing in mind he might not see them for maybe a week or more.
Thank you blip friends.

Karen x (Draco)

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