
By maddogmagpie

The Road Ahead

A day to avoid the wall to wall coverage of the upcoming EU vote.

It is quite an achievement by our PM to carry out an operation where she tries to scare Remainers by threatening ‘No Deal’, and Brexidiots by threatening no Brexit, simultaneously, and they both hear the opposite message.

Today was her best ever though, making a speech in a pottery factory where she argued that parliament didn’t seek to overturn the result of the Welsh devolution referendum - even though it was won by a small minority - only for it to turn out that most of the Tory party did vote against the bill to create the Welsh parliament (and she should remember because she was one of the votes) and then campaigned at the next election on the promise of a second vote. Or as someone else said, ‘talking bull in a china shop’. Priceless.

The most embarrassing period of British history ever looks like it is coming to a head. Buckle up.

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