Two week wait is almost over
This two week wait thing to see if Clomid has worked and a rainbow is on the way is stressful and emotional. Have I noticed any symptoms? Nope.. have I felt anything change? Nope.. have I seen anything change? Absolutely not... it's hard not to get down in the dumps about seeing negative pregnancy tests, about not feeling different. People will tell me not to think about it but it's not that easy. I'm not hopeful for this month in fact I feel like I already know it hasn't worked something just keeps telling me it hasn't worked and I don't know why.. Will I ever get my rainbow? Will I ever be blessed enough to carry a life and bring that life into the world? I don't think so but I hope so... even though I smile I'm really down about this whole process though the support I have received has been tremendous to say the least.
Hopefully the next update is a good one
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