At The Movies

Wow...The Boss and ME went for a big stagger to Island Bay and the local Movie and eatery. The Boss really likes the boutique movie joints that frequent Wellington now and have great cafes too.
There was a bit of a surprise when we arrived after an hour + stagger to find it overrun with small humans and the odd supervisor person but its still holidays and luckily they were seeing a different show.
I have been to the movies before but The Boss stood me up and it was all very interesting with the large bloke sitting next to us chomping his way through a truck load of popcorn and playing with his phone but he stopped when the movie started.
It was a great show about an old VW Beetle that converted itself into a multi function fighting bloke who fell in love with a lovely teen girl or vice versa...It was a bit hard to tell. There were no dogs...but it finished above the Golden Gate Bridge that I have been over a couple of times so that was great!!
Pawscript...We got a bus home.
Paw paw script...I have received some requests to transport Mr D from yesterday to some house that's apparently painted white....
I will need to ask The Boss about this...

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