From the family archives

We have a large number of postcards from and to family members in the early part of the 20th century.

This one is written by my wife's maternal grandfather to his sister whilst he was serving with the forces in German South-west Africa (Namibia today), and was posted from the Army Base PO on 12 December 1914. The content of the letter is transcribed below:

On Active Service

"Dear Ella,
Thanks very much for the letter & Sunday Times received yesterday. The parcel you sent has not come to hand as yet but I suppose I will get it when the next mail arrives.
An aeroplane passed over our camp a few days ago. This is the third time it has paid us a visit. The second time it dropped two bombs but only one exploded and no damage was done. This last time it dropped a bomb again and one or two of the RLI were wounded. It got away again but next time it comes it may get a surprise.
Merry Xmas to you all.



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