Blue and olive
Gorgeous sunny day, but no garden time.
Before all that, up early to make sure Mr B didn’t sleep in. Quick snooze, then kids to chase off the premises, before some steady job ticking on my endless to do list.
Very frustrating voicemail from CarbBoy to pick him up, turned out to be just because a teacher was off so he’d have a gap and wanted to come home (so I’d have to take him back again a few hours later). I’m not sure he’s caught up with the news that I’m working...
Later, ferrying him and teammates to Verfeil for training, and later still, watching the ‘meaningful’ vote with the kids. How many historical firsts is this Government going to set?
Slightly later TallGirl was nonplussed that the Commons goes from the high drama of a shouty motion of no confidence in the Government, straight to a long speech to a deserted chamber on the train service at Chester-le-Street.
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