The waiting game ...

A day away today , once all the day’s problems were sorted. A cow that shouldn’t have been in calve and has looked like calving for days decided today was the day. As she only has 2 working teats, and about enough milk to make a cup of tea , had to make up some artificial colostrum and feed the calf before rushing away to a pal’s shoot.
A windy but dry day with plenty of pheasants , all going like stink in the strong gusts. Managed to hit as many as I missed so quite pleased.
Back home to feed cattle then back to join everyone for a feed and catch up. Back home by 9pm in time to milk out the cow and feed this morning’s calf . Now 11pm and catching up on paper work and emails . That’s what you get for having a day off ! Mind you I’m having a better day than a certain prime minister- what a total shambles the country is in all because of a bunch of upper crust public school boys took their squabbles to the country then ran away when they didn’t like the outcome !

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