Choose Joy

By Energia


This was found with my mother's things. Our best guess is she was going to give it to me. It doesn't feel like it was 20 years ago. It might not be tiny but it is small. 

Does the vote by British lawmakers mean that they really don't want Brexit? Can they re-do the referendum for Brexit? I heard that there are concerns that this might lead to distrust of government and violence. The referendum isn't even binding, could they just decide to not? It looks from polling as though opinions flop around. Of course if lawmakers just decided to not Exit then there could be violence but it seems unwise to let fears of violence dictate policy - then the lunatics run the show. 

On my side of the pond things are heating up. It is exciting when lunatics run the show. 

Prediction: My government will re-open when one of the following three things happens
- we hit tax refund season and people get severely pissed
- there is a terrible airplane accident (aviation security guards and air traffic controllers are being forced to work but aren't being paid)
- there is a serious food-borne illness (food isn't being inspected)

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