New barley

Had a lovely walk with the Ards Man around Mountstewart demesne in County Down (as opposed to Mount Stuart on the Isle of Bute in Scotland). We did one of the long walks and I was glad to get back to the ‘Big House’ for coffee afterwards!

I’m doing well today as I also went to the gym this morning and have a Pilates class this evening. Phew!

My gym schedule is a tad feeble, though, as I only do 5 minutes on each of 3 machines (cross-trainer, bicycle and rower) and then some leg pushes on another weights machine thingy. I am tired at the end, though! In fact I did 6 minutes on the cross-trainer today, so as you see I am improving in very small increments!

The photo is of a field of newly-germinating barley on the Mountstewart estate. It was so beautiful today to hear all the birds twittering as we wandered along; hardly wintery at all (except that my nose was very cold!).

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