Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

Anna: No Stereotype

Well. What a parlous situation we find ourselves in. A roundly defeated prime minister who will apparently never feel moved to resign, a government riven by bitter divisions on the EU, an official opposition party and its natural supporters (mostly) at odds with its leader, and an electorate which doesn’t know where to turn, who to trust or how get ourselves out of this shameful impasse. No Deal would be an utter disaster, of that I am sure.

Will the no-confidence motion get anywhere? I doubt it. Would a general election help or would it simply compound the situation? I know I want rid of this embarrassment of a government but has the Labour Party destroyed itself as a credible alternative? And what other options do we (in the English part of the UK, at least) realistically have under the current electoral system?

I’d like to hope that a second referendum would sort things out once and for all. But do people feel any better informed than they did previously or are they even more confused and/or even more jaded and disengaged?

Once again, I despair.

Thank goodness, then, for people who cheer me up! One such is Anna, roller derby doyenne, barista supreme and wearer of excellent baseball shirts! This one is a nifty German roller derby number... which seems somehow appropriate!

And, what better ‘song for Europe’ than ‘I Love EU’ by Gruff Rhys?

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