Let There be Heat!
It is three weeks to the day since my old boiler died and I now have a new one giving me a warm house again. Oh the luxury of flitting from room to room without a change in temperature and being able to sit without a hot water bottle at my feet. I think if I had had an open fire or a stove in the Dower House it would have made the no central heating easier to bear. That is what made the difference between it and the cold house of my childhood when there was always one room with an open fire to cheer me up. Looking at a convector heater doesn’t hold the same appeal.
The men are coming back tomorrow to reinstate my wardrobe which was taken apart to enable the boiler flue to go in above its ceiling. This will give me the chance, when I put my clothes back, to do a clear out ........ perhaps.
It was a lovely sunny day today for my Irish friend of many talents and I to have a light lunch at Söderberg. I think it was IainatCreel who pointed out I should have shares in this café so often am I there, but seeing it is about 150yds from my door why would I go anywhere else?
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