The New View

My Dear Fellows & Dear Princess,

This is the view out of the window in the new office. As I said, it is a hotdesking office, but I get in so early I can sit wherever I want.

But this in itself puts me in a quandary. As I may have mentioned before, I respect Smock as a manager, she is extremely competent. But she does have a couple of issues. Issue one is that she cannot leave an unexpressed thought in her head. 

To remind you, here are some of the Smock Headlines she interrupted my thoughts with last year:

- Stephen is chatting to Darren 
- Looks like Donna has switched seats
- There goes Laurence, with his pot noodle

It drives me effing MENTAL. So I decided to sit near enough so she knows I'm not avoiding her, but far enough away to miss the regular updates on "David's Different Jacket From Usual Shock" and "Ash Wearing Cardigan Today Controversy".

So I saw where she was sitting on Day 1 and on Day 2, I chose a desk which was on a different bank. Naturally, when she came in, she right next to me. 


"Oh I didn't like the glare where I was sitting before," she explained, settling in.

Oho, thinks I. Here's an opportunity.

"Oh I don't mind the glare, and I do like a window," I said. And moved to where she had been the day before.

But I overplayed my hand. When she came around to talk to me later I was telling her how much I was enjoying the view and she said, "Oh you have a point, maybe I'll move around here tomorrow."


So that's what she did. And consequently I've been interrupted by a stream of meaningless crap on Day 3 and Day 4. 

And then there's her nosey nature. Today I came in with a Subway sandwich. I tried to hide it from her, I did. But sure enough:

"Oooooh! What's he got??"*

I explained I had a Subway sandwich and she went away. Back two minutes later:

"What's in it?"

I showed her my meatball**.

"Oh. Oh. I don't care for those. You don't know what're in them."

Nice. As if it wasn't enough that she INTERRUPTED MY SANDWICH, she then CRITICISES IT AS WELL. 

I think tomorrow I might complain about the glare.


* Sometimes she sounds a bit like Gollum.
** In the sandwich. You people are sick.

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