
By SadlerStar

Town by Night

A very chilly evening and we braved Fort Belvedere to get a very late has been hectic here today with 3 grandchildren etc.
Tomorrow we are escaping the Jersey eh! and BR, Mrs BR +MissT and the dogs are all going to squeeze into the car for the (ferry) journey.
We take the car so we can take the dogs as we don't like to leave them...bizarre I know.
I know it is not far but when you live on a rock regular escape is essential for most of us.
I believe there are still people in Guernsey who are barely familiar with the next parish, never mind leaving Guernsey but, not us.
It must be a blessing to be so contented with your lot, I guess.
Friday is here yeh! ring the wine bell and make merry
Have a fun filled weekend or alternatively, have a lovely chilled (metaphorically) fireside weekend but either way...enjoy!

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