A special alley

Since the third of January my mornings have started more or less in the same way. I usually receive a text from Downunder. My friend C is fighting against cancer there and his partner, my fabulous friend J is fighting next to him. As usual, things go fantastically well one day and then there’s a day or two when things look uncertain. Despite everything, though, and I mean despite all the bad days so far, C is improving, little by little. In Italy we say: chi va piano, va sano e va lontano. So, C is moving in the right direction!

I’d like to dedicate this picture to J. On your last day here you took me right under this window to show me the Christmas decorations! I would have never seen them otherwise! Thank you!

You’re doing a grand job! Keep going! We are all thinking about you and C and sending positive vibes and good wishes! Love, xxx

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