Week 2: Thingify Pinhole Pro - "Selfie"
Ok, so I spent a bit of time last night learning about pinhole photography. I'd made some assumptions and it turns out that I got quite a few of them wrong.
First of all, it seems that the optimal size of hole is related to focal length - with .28mm being the best for 50mm. I'd assumed that the smaller the hole ( somewhat like the larger the f-stop ) the greater the depth of field and thus "more" of a shot would be in focus. Apparently it isn't. Now the Pinhole Pro unhelpfully has .25mm and .30mm holes on a 50mm focal length - so I've gone with the .30mm as being numerically closest to the optimal.
It also seems that a .30mm hole on a 50mm focal length is equal - in light terms - to f/150. So theoretically, I should be able to use this figure to calculate ( knowing ISO & light reading ) an exposure time. Can I heck !
So still using the tried and tested "trial and error" methodology :-P
I thought today that I'd have a go at a portrait - I was thinking about it with my 4 minute exposure yesterday how patient and still early portrait sitters must have stayed in order to achieve such crisp results in some shots - given that I know that some early exposure times were up to 60 seconds. I wondered how ( given the other optimal settings derived from above ) still I could sit and how clearly I would come out. This is only 4 seconds, and even then the desire to blink is overwhelming !
Then again, I'm always reasonably fuzzy around the edges :-P
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