Make Every Day Memorable

By Jorgiesmum

Sunshine At Last !

We have a friend's dog staying with us for a while so she accompanied me on the 2nd walk of the morning.
Stover was calling me again so, armed with the long lens, I headed off hoping to see the kingfisher. Scrappy, being a collie, is very obedient (certainly compared to a certain young boxer!!!) and I knew she would wait patiently if her walk was interspersed with birdwatching.
Strolling down through the woods we were loving the strong sunlight and the shadows it was casting through the trees. Scrap obligingly stopped 'on a third' so I snapped her with my little camera - today's blip.
Sadly, no kingfisher today, which is probably just as well because I had forgotten my CF card  -DOH !

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