Christmas Book Pile

My turn to get BB out to school today, which as ever turned into a stressful time.  He didn’t get dressed, he hadn’t packed his bag and there was something wrong with his phone.  I just needed him out, so I could get to work.  Luckily the road was quite quiet (after I managed to manoeuvre past a car crash along the road), and I was at the station in good time.  I bumped into a friend there and we had a good other blether on the way to work, which is just what I needed.

Once at work, I didn’t stop till mid-afternoon.  At that point, I was drained.  It was another intense day, but we got through it.  I even got thanks and praise from a big boss, and thanks and a bar of chocolate from one of my bosses.  These little things make a big difference, especially as I have worked my socks off for the past couple of weeks.

It was then home to get BB and take him to football.  I went for a walk in the dark with a friend, before getting home to find that TT was locked out!  I found some leftovers for tea, and did very little else.

This is my Christmas book pile, which I am looking forward to getting in to.

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