Ethel is such a showoff!

The meerkat family photo was a disaster again this year. Bob had no clue what was going on, while Tiny was practising being cute until the very moment when the group shot was being taken.

Had a half day at the zoo - first time I've seen the meerkats! I saw both of the pandas - Tian Tian was having a good old sleep while Yang Guang had a little bit of a snack and then wandered off. The rhinos were having a good old bicker in their enclosure and the panther was rather interested in the keeper walking past. The otters were running about, but special mention had to go to their otterly adorable paws!

The Christmas tree has arrived in the flat! I'm out tonight, however it will be going up and decorated tomorrow ready for people coming over on Sunday :)

Full zoo set here.

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