Another good sign in the garden

I drove the new (to us) car into the village on my own this morning, when reaching the gate at the bottom of the driveway there was a niggling issue (lack of knowledge) which meant our watergate was closing before the issue was resolved, this happened twice and I’m praying the neighbours are far too busy to see my inadequacy. On the second gate opening I was stood outside beside the drivers door and spotted this small animal galloping slowly (gallumping?) down the drive towards me, weird to see especially when trying to make it at first into a cat shape, then a dog only to see it was an otter. It passed me and the car and disappeared around the corner and yes, the camera was out of reach and yes the neighbours were not that busy and spotted me and the otter.

The upside is I wouldn’t have seen it if the niggling issue hadn’t arisen and I’ve never seen one for that length of time or that close, what a privilege.

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