In the past, whenever I've seen these little plants growing in the crevices of walls, I've always wished they would grow in my garden. Indeed I have tried in vain to transplant them but for some reason they would never take.
Now I am so happy to say the plants in the photo are in garden wall of our new house!
The minature ferns are Maidenhair Spleenwort or Asplenium Trichomanes. A very common plant,it grows all over the world. I love the delicateness of the fronds.The other plant in the photo is Ivy-leafed Toadflax or Cymbalaria Muralis.
Its origins are in the Mediterranean but it has also spread all over the world.
I'm looking forward to summer when this pretty little plant blooms with purple snd yellow flowers like tiny Snapdragons -Antirrhinum.
Moving house at the start of winter as we did last year, means that the new garden will be full of surprises this year. At the moment it is a mess but the sweet little plants in the wall are a taster of what is yet to come and I can't wait to get my hands in the earth.
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