The Unofficial Start to Vacation

After a very uneasy start to our trip, it officially began when we visited with Shelley (Naturelover) and Al for a couple of fun days.

But...unofficially, it doesn't start until we have lunch at Sonny's BBQ, a southern states establishment.

It's so bad, that we don't begin to eat until we take a snap like this, and send it to our three kids. Then, they text back..."You're taunting us!", or..."Wish I was there."

Since we had to drive 472 miles from the panhandle of Florida to our camera never came out of the bag today. We arrived (in the dark) at 7:20 p.m., and got the van unloaded. Now, the water is on, the appliances are plugged in, the cable and internet are working, and we're good to go.

Since there was NO WAY I was going to compete with Shelley's picture of the day, my first extra picture of the year is of the spume (sea foam) that was washing up on the shore this morning.

Tired from the drive, and going to bed.

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