Bright and Beautiful

It was a lovely morning, bright and frosty with clear blue skies. D and I took the dogs up Rivey Hill. When we got back I bathed Bertie and gave him a trim. He was starting to look a bit unkempt and his ears were falling into his dinner which is not ideal. He’s looking a bit smarter now.

D is making chilli no. 2. We started off with turkey mince in an attempt to cut down the amount of red meat we eat. The smell was quite unpleasant so we’ve ditched that and he’s starting from scratch with minced beef.

Poor Poppy is suffering with a sore mouth. It’s not even where the braces are rubbing but from all the rough handling she suffered when they were fitting it. She’s got nasty cuts and what looks like a huge ulcer on the inside of her lip (See extra).

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