Taking Advantage

Actually, of two things -- AW's absence and the sunny weather -- to do my drip-dry laundry and hang it outside ... to drip, of course.  These are the shawls I bought in Goa for AW since he has lost three shawls of mine.  He is now convinced that someone at the bridge club in Oudenbosch takes them by accident, most likely due to some degree of senility.  There is actually one more shawl, a really pricey one, which AW has been using since we got back.  It's not just his but mine, too.  In fact, he wore it today to the bridge afternoon with H, who picked him up here.  H is a lot less energetic, due to his stroke last year, but has been given the green light to drive again, as long as it's to nearby places.  Too far and he might get too tired.  His wife is a little apprehensive, naturally, but H is determined to keep what degree of independence he can.

Aside from the shawls, I also did two more loads, all drip-dry.  The last load almost got frozen outside after dripping, and I found that so funny.  Had to bring it in to thaw and spread old towels on our stairway because I hung them on a rack on the railing.  Also did some vacuuming and dusting, the dishes and the kitchen, and supermarket errands.

I also finished the Humanism MOOC.  Very relieved because now I can go to the next one ... on Jane Austen.  I think I'll relax a bit more with that as it's not as challenging.  A nice weekend, so far.

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