A time for everything

By turnx3

Kind neighbour to the rescue again!

We had more snow overnight - about 4-5 inches I suppose, though it’s hard to say, since it was also windy, and so the snow had drifted somewhat. Whilst today was a pretty-looking day, with bright blue skies and sun shining on brilliant white snow, it was bitterly cold - a high of only 16 F ( -9 C) - and tonight we will drop to -4F ( about -20 C)!! Church was cancelled for the second week running, due to hazardous road conditions, so we enjoyed a bit of a lie in. After breakfast, Roger went out to start shoveling the driveway, but when he was part way through, our kind neighbour R from across the road, offered to bring his “tractor” over and finish the job! Those who follow my journal will remember we came back from Florida last Sunday evening, expecting to have to clear the driveway, but were pleasantly surprised to find it already done for us! After lunch, we had a chat on the phone with my brother Peter and his wife Judy, then later in the afternoon we ventured out to attend an organ recital at Hyde Park United Methodist church. Attendance, as may be imagined, was lower than usual, but it wasn’t bad considering. We did find that the roads in that part of town weren’t cleared anywhere near as well as ours - our neighbourhood does a really good job of snow clearing. The organist was Eric Plutz, University organist at Princeton University, where he is also Lecturer in music and Instructor of organ. It was a great program, including the whole Sixth organ Symphony by Louis Vierne - usually at recitals such as these one hears excerpts from works, or short pieces, so it was a treat to hear a whole Symphony. The organist had also written detailed notes about the pieces, which enhanced the enjoyment.
Thankful today for:
Blue skies and sunshine
A warm house
Kind neighbours
Beautiful music and skilled musicians

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