
So hard to find flowers that wont die quickly in this heat.

I bought these for Christian today, in the hope that they might last the week.  But as I was putting them in the vase, I saw a couple that were already wilted.

Usual day of shopping, paying bills, and cleaning.

This afternoon I went down to the charity shops.  They are all getting overloaded with donations, as people are all de-cluttering.  Seems to be the latest craze!

One shop was offering 5 dvds for $5.  Why not just make them all a $1 each, I'm sure they'd sell more that way.

Another shop was selling everything half price, but they didn't tell you until you reached the till.  Why not put a sign up telling you as you walked in!!

I bought a puzzle for $1.50 for the girls.  Well, actually it was 6 little wooden puzzles and in perfect condition.

And I dithered over a dvd, thinking I'd got it, I put it back.  Only to get home to find I don't have it.  Now, I want it, of course.

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