On a thermal,
soaring oceanside,
seagulls swoop above the marsh.
Auto Praise for Oceanside - A Haiku by zimmt on Haiku Generator: https://www.poem-generator.org.uk/?i=1fc870rj
"Well, I liked the title - 'Oceanside'. It went down hill from there."
- Enid Kibbler
"Amazing how so few words can set a scene so perfectly. I closed my eyes and I hit the cliff."
- Hit the Spoof
"I felt that I was a Seagull. It was spooky. I nearly crapped on a guy with a camera"
- Zob Gloop
"I've always wanted to write a haiku about a Seagull. I can't belive zimmt has beaten me to it."
- Betty Borison
"…freedom is the very nature of seagull's being, that whatever stands against that freedom must be set aside, be it ritual or superstition or limitation in any form.”
Richard Bach
"Not a very bigly poem. Too short. Sad"
--Donald Trump
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