One Crowded Hour

By GlassRoad

beer, bubbles and bbq

Friends over for a 'barbie' tonight and after a quick trip to the bottle-o for drinks, I realised they all have animal theme labels.
The beers from the Sail and Anchor Brewery in Fremantle, one of Australia's oldest microbrewers, and with their sea faring theme the labels are named for different types of knots.
The bubbles from Tasmania's Bay of Fires Winery and named, I'm guessing, for the extinct Tasmanian Tiger.

A lovely night with great conversation on the verandah under a starry, starry night and as the evening closed in, junior and the two junior girls snuggled under a quilt and watched Ice Age 4.
Ahhhh, the innocence of youth.

(For those of you interested in Aussie movies, The Hunter set in Tasmania's wild and spectacular high country and the elusive -extinct or maybe not?- Tasmanian Tiger at the story's heart.)

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