
By kati

today our walk-about was extra full of dogs. we saw an enormous great pyrenees and then a more-than-normal amount of little yappers. these little guys were apparently about to burst a blood vessel with excitement that we were walking by. the light brown one was trying to get a higher vantage point by standing on his buddy. lola was loving it. directly across the street was another chihuahua barking at us and a pug. i would have taken a picture of them as well, but the owner was out in the driveway and he seemed a little surly. make that very surly.

yesterday i blipped the view from one of my favorite secret look-outs over the river. i actually really liked it, but for the first time in my short, humble blip career, got quite a few critiques about it. it was totally karma for telling oldguy that i don't like primary colors and for telling onmaplecreek that his horizon could have been straighter.

i'd like to clear things up with karma: i will work on my issues with primary colors! and my ocd! and i will try to make sure all my future blips have clear subjects to focus on :)

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