loco viejo



There were even some snow flurries yesterday... My main opportunity to actually make some money is my 5 tastings in Birmingham area at the weekend (and another 5 next week...) so praying those aren't scuppered by bad weather... I did get a nice bonus £675 order from customer who'd poured one of our wines for friends over Christmas and they loved it so much they wanted a case each... so I can't complain, but miles off hitting my target for January... just hope I manage to sell enough to stay out of "top up" (which means I get paid basic minimum wage but owe the company any shortfall if I don't actually earn that much in commission).
Picked up Bex from Doncaster, returning from jolly to Edinburgh which she seemed to enjoy - but which she was of course too tired to tell me about... Then dropped her at work in Louth, Hilary let me use her kitchen to phone for appointments (3 hours, no joy) while she was out, then picked Bex up from work, took her back to Hilary's to get changed, then drove her home to Lincoln. Not a word of thanks... but she probably realises that ferrying her around at least gives me a sense of purpose... :/
But I am just about managing to keep my pecker up...

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