Perfect Day

A Perfect Day

This could well be a ramble... you have been warned

After I had my shitty day a few weeks ago I wrote and wrote as I always find writing cathartic and even though I don't need any catharsis at the moment I want to write to help me digest what's going on.

I know it's odd that some of us chose to share our lives on here in such detail but I guess that's the kind of person that I am and in effect if you can't write/blog and say what you want without inhibition then you're not being true to yourself . In my humble little Yorkshire opinion anyway.

Things are good, really good for me at the moment and I really believe in the power of gratitude and that of attraction i.e. the more good things you think the more good things happen. I consider myself an optimistic person anyway (this has not always been the case and it's taken a lot of work to get here) and hate ever writing negative stuff but when I did a few months ago I got a whole lot more of it that week. So here's to the universe /that beardy fellow in the clouds/whoever.. I am so very thankful for all that you are sending me at the moment.

This week I was in a meeting about restructuring our services and I am not under threat of redundancy/ pay cuts/anything major. I feel like I am blessed as some staff are affected in a detrimental way. Thank you.

This week I have also had a lovely time with Mr D, I have only actually seen him once but we have talked and texted and emailed and it's getting better all the time. Thank you.

We were both off work and took the bikes out in North Yorkshire. Mr D had a spinal injury years ago so his " bike " is a racing chair: he hadn't been out in it for months and months for many reasons and it was lovely to be with him as he felt like he was " coming home " ( he used to race for GB and sport is very important to him ). We raced, we chatted, I stopped to take photos (of course!) and it was amazing to be out together on a cold crisp day with pink clear skies. Five minutes after we finished it was rainy and dreary, we just felt blessed that the rain had held off for us and we got views like this one.

Tea in a beautiful café and long chats and hand holding afterwards and it was just a perfect perfect day. Who knows where this will all go but I am not analysing, not worrying, I am just savouring the moments, taking it all in and feel very deeply content. Thank you.

I also have some amazing friends at the moment who helped me out with a child care nightmare, I was up in the arse end of nowhere with Mr D and school rang to say my ex hadn't turned up for the girls. I had made a massive mistake with whose weekend it was to have the girls. Friends stepped in to help and even my ex was very reasonable about it and agreed to swap weekends. The girls were fine about it all. Thank you.

Have the rest of the weekend full of a good friend's birthday party and some studying. In all honesty I feel I can say a bigger thank you to the universe for the party than the books !!

To all you blippers who pop in and view and comment when I am giving very little back at the moment. Thank you. xx

127 sleeps


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