Castle & Cathedral
Dropped Bex at College on this frosty but sunny morning, uninspiring breakfast at Cafe Zoot in the lovely Bailgate / Cathedral Quarter, gently berating myself for taking our local heritage for granted... Meeting with proprietor of reputable local restaurant (the wonderfully named Pompeo Syracusa, from Sicily), who is proposing to include a few of my wines on his wine list, which would be a boon... Then home for more fruitless phoning, until an order just before leaving for 150 mile round trip to WTE South of Peterborough, no sale again. Don't think I did anything 'wrong' - in fact, I think they'd decided not to buy before we began, as there was just deathly silence from all of them when I asked the question... I have sneaky suspicion the lady who bought the tasting wanted to buy, but had been told by her partner beforehand that it wasn't happening... Ah well... These tough times at least prevent arrogant complacency after my successes last year... Best thing of the day was chatting with Neil on the way home - pulled into layby to make a few notes (in case, miraculously, they are true to their word and DO contact me to put in a later order...!!), and as soon as the car stopped, Messenger was "ringing", so I felt it was "meant to be".
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