The girl with the Dragon tattoo

I am feeling a bit sick in the stomach after just seeing a picture on Instagram of my 16 year old niece’s thigh with a huge dragon tattoo, done today.

I messaged her Dad, my brother, to see what he thought about it and turns out he had no idea she’d had it done. She is away on holiday with her mum in Hawaii ( parents are separated) and I don’t know what the laws are there regardingwhat age you need to be to get one done without parents concern, I’d be amazed if her mum would have let her get it done. The issue is the size of it, it’s big! And it’s there forever now. I don’t mind tattoos. I just think my niece hasn’t thought this through and now it’s done!

So now my brother has just messaged me again and said he’d phoned them in Hawaii and it’s not good, he’s furious.

I’ll  phone him tomorrow and see how he is.

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