30 Married Years

Today is our 30th Wedding Anniversary!
Today is also the 12th birthday of my car, Carmela!

AW took this selfie with my camera as his arm is a lot longer.

Went to work, stuffed my class with celebratory chocolates, worked, went to the garage to pick up my car, went back home.

At the garage, one of the managers remarked that he noticed my kilometer gauge = 477,549 km.!  For a 12-year-old gal, Carmela has been performing remarkably well.  He said that, so far, the only original part that has had to be replaced was the distributor, which broke down after a day trip to Germany last year (you might remember this incident?).  Other than that, nothing else.  Worn-out tires don't count because that's part of regular maintenance, same wth windshield wipers and lights.  When I hit the half-million kilometer mark, he intends to phone KIA Nederland and a little celebration might be arranged.  Wouldn't that be neat?

On my FB page:  
'30 years of being each other's favourite weirdo ...
Happy Anniversary to us, AW!'
Loads of greetings from near and far, including the galaxy far, far away.  We both went to bed feeling rather dazed and happy.

The party will be on Friday.

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