2.500: I saw it coming

Yes, I really saw it coming, and blipfoto gives one a very useful early warning.  Having said that, it is very useful to know how to count.  I obviously don't, since had done my homework and market the big day in my agenda for tomorrow.  In other words, I was caught with my pants down (hence the table), in the wrong spot, and without the intended gear.

It's funny to look back, I was probably more exited about my first 100 than about today's achievement, which does not mean that I don't enjoy this immensely.  I do!  I just wished that I had more time to do a more though job like in the "old days", and also pay a little bit more attention to all of you.

Thank yo so much to those of your who have not lost your patience with me, and as always, I'm hugely grateful to my blip Godfather Barrioboy. who got me into this,

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