Mr Handsome was rather cheeky late this afternoon. I took loads of video of him as he was following me through the woods and we ended up out in one of the little meadows finally. I am guessing, by the icy conditions, that he was likely hungry. All I had on me were peanuts and seeds for the birds so felt rather guilty that I had not thought of taking along some veggies or fruit.
He seemed to have little fear and came very close on several occasions which was very cool. In the main blip, I was within 10 ft of him and he was still very relaxed. In the extras, it is when I finally said my goodbyes when he was in the meadow. You can see what a handsome buck he is. My photos do not do him justice, as his coat was so thick and luxurious looking!
By the way, he is a different buck than a couple of days ago.
No owl today....but a buck will do nicely : )
D x
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