Flower Tower
The Boss says it's probably a weed but given his vast horticultural background who knows....
Following yesterdays "evacuation" of our deck area we (well I sorta helped by thinking about barking at some kids playing in the section behind, but thought better of it) assembled the "some assembly required" new furniture which went much smoother with The Bossess absent. which went well. AND after 2 trips to the dump ( Transfer Station) where the lovely lady weight machine operator recognised ME from last year and inquired where had I been as she had missed me (or was that The Boss) ( strictly a Wanaka thing) to get rid of all that dreaded "some assembly required" packaging we went out for a proper walk and while running up all the required staggers this got photographed.
Anyway its back to Lightbox and "The Truth about Henry Quebert"
If that pops up on your local streaming service go for it.
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