A band of hot air that has been cooking up in the Northern Territory is now plaguing the Southern States. South Australia has had record temperatures. Melbourne has copped it today. Those poor people at the Australian Open, it would be a nightmare. The men's semis are on tonight and I think it is 41C at the moment. It has been hot here but not in the 40s which is just like being in an oven. Anyhoo, we had a thick fog this morning. By the time I drove past Newie beach it was clearing but you might be able to see some of it on the headland behind those surfers. I am not sure what they were looking at. Probably a mate surfing. There were no dolphins around.
Well it is Friday and the weekend is here again and tomorrow is Australia Day (Straya day). Be prepared for a lot of silliness going on. After the nursing home, I am heading to Sydney for a dinner with friends.
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