In the dark - 9

This is not a night shot, but it's a shot "in the dark" of my bedroom, so it fits in the theme. I liked the patterns that the reflection of the street lights through the blinds left on the radiator and I put a candle for extra effect.

When I woke up this morning, my body temperature had dropped by 1C, but I still had a bit of a temperature and I was not feeling well. I spent most of my day sitting in front of the computer or lying in bed. I made a photo book as well. I was not planning to go outside but I had to. One of the drawbacks of being single is that no matter how well or poorly you feel, if you need something you have to go and get it yourself because nobody else will, and I needed extra paracetamol, lemons and chocolate. When I went outside I didn't take the camera with me though, to resist the temptation of wandering away in search of night shots. So this is what you're getting today!

Feeling marginally better, but still not well. These things take time, unfortunately..

It's funny because yesterday I just wanted to take the photo of the tree, and then I noticed the tiger on it. I decided not to mention it, and some of you didn't notice it first time... interesting..

Thanks very much for all your get well wishes and nice comments, I do really appreciate them! I made spotlight too! :)

I hope you're all having a nice weekend!

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