It's him again!

Two Sprite Blips in a row  - not what I usually do but this happened this morning.
I was busy with my laptop and not really watching what was going on but was aware of much 'dog flap' action noise. When I did look up I saw this. He has started playing with the footballs in the garden - but only pushing them around with his nose. he must have realised that this one, being softer, could actually be picked up so proceeded to bring it indoors - through the dog flap!!
It does fit through with about an inch to spare but when he is holding it in his mouth he can hardly see where he's going so working out how to get it through the flap could not have been easy.
He was not impressed when I threw it back into the garden - but I did stay out there and play football with him for a few minutes, so if his intention was to get me to stop working and play with him - he succeeded!

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