Ghostly Dawn
This is both a double exposure and an intentional camera movement shot.
The pink in the sky first thing this morning was lovely against what looked like a blue sky but I think was grey. You might be able to spot what appear to be two ghostly figures in the bottom left hand corner. Merely an aberration.
Shop sat for Aziz midday. He has a nasty cold. Len called in on the way back from Steve's funeral. Why is it you only really learn about people from their funeral eulogies?
We adjourned to Baxter Tea Room for tea and toasties. Basil impressed the couple at the neighbouring table who gave him their biscuits. I don't think they were dog biscuits. I hope he doesn't have a bad reaction.
They encouraged us to go to the Odeon cinema on Saturday week to see a production of Carmen from the Metropolitan Opera in New York. I am pretty sure I will go, but Len will be on the way back from watching Leicester City play.
Judging a camera club comp tonight.
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