Well, it turned out to be a shorter day than expected. I was a driver so I went into base first. The traffic was really quiet and I would have been a lot quicker if I hadn’t made a wrong turn near Old Trafford. There are so many cones and if you go wrong you are stuck in a little rat way with no going back. I should have been concentrating instead of singing along to the radio.
There were some lovely people in Bacup this afternoon. Sadly, there was a problem with the water nearby and the water board had cut off the supply and we can’t work without running water so the afternoon session was cut short and we had to pack up. This meant going back to base and then home in rush hour traffic....yuck! But, an early start to the weekend.
I got back to base before Daz. His satnav took the lorry towards a low bridge and he had to turn around and find another route so I was hanging around in the garage waiting for him for a while. I took a few shots whilst I waited.
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