Productive day

After 3 dreadful nights sleep I felt like a zombie today but went to WW with Emma at 8.30, lost 2 lbs making 18.5 so far since the end of August!
Then we walked Belle, The plan had been for Emma to come back and help me sort out some things in the house but she needed to wait in for a delivery so I suggested we helped her instead, I was so tired I knew that if I went home I would achieve nothing, so we went through her wardrobe, chest of drawers and another cupboard full of clothes, she was very decisive and we ended up with three bin bags for charity, one of rubbish and a big box full of clothes to sell. There was a lot of emotion attached to the process but Emma was very brave and afterwards the mood and energy in the room was so much lighter and brighter, we drove all the stuff straight to the charity shop and then she dropped me home, I’ll go back soon and help her with all her summer clothes up in the loft.
Max my lovely curry have a spin evening on the sofa watching TV.

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