
Marchnata ~ Marketing

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Dw i'n hoffi'r Hen Farchnad yn y dre, mae llawer o siopau diddorol yna. Y dyddiau hyn mae lawer o ddewis i leoedd y fwyta. Rydyn  ni'n cael caffis traddodiadol sy'n gwerthu ffa ar dost, ac yn rownd y gornel mae lle sy'n gwerthu pitsa ffres.  Doedd dim digon o amser gyda fi i stopio i fwyta - a beth bynnag roeddwn i'n arbed fy nghalorïau i gael pitsa cartref yn y noson.

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I like the Old Market in town, there are many interesting shops there. Nowadays there is a lot of choice for eating places. We have traditional cafes that sell beans on toast, and round the corner there's a place that sells fresh pizza. I dodn't have enough time to stop to eat - and anyway I was saving my calories to have a homemade pizza in the evening

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